The firm undertakes to negotiate and document a broad spectrum of cross-border transactions and relationships including inter alia joint venture relationships, partnerships, parent-subsidiary relationships, branch relationships, consulting and employment relationships, the sale and licensing of intellectual property, investment in real property and investment in companies.

Representative work:

Representation of U.S. physician and hospital administrator entrepreneurs in creation of Caribbean international health center servicing medical tourists.

Representation of U.S. telecommunications entrepreneur in expansion of teleconferencing business into new markets in South America.

Negotiation, structuring and documentation of foreign investment into U.S. company holding valuable intellectual property and timber plantation development rights in California real estate.

Negotiation, structuring and documentation of migration of Russian origin navigational software and other intellectual property into U.S. investment vehicle.

Negotiation and documentation of manufacturing agreements between U.S. designer and retailer of silk fabrics, and Southeast Asian manufacturers.

Negotiation, structuring and documentation of joint venture for creation of Bermuda-based Internet platform for interactive musical creation, collaboration and performance.

Structuring and documentation of yacht purchase transaction, with foreign registration and foreign flagging of yacht.

Structuring and documentation of Hong Kong based travel club business targeting the Japanese tourist market.

Design for German investor group of model for expatriating U.S. based telecommunications business and intellectual property following increase in abusive class action lawsuits brought under Federal Communications Commission regulations.

Rationalization of legal structure and operations of Russian nutritional supplements company in preparation for listing on London’s Alternative Investment Market.

Negotiation and documentation of multi-party commission broker agreements in transaction for sale of crude oil.