Public Speaking

Mr. Jenkins accepts multiple speaking engagements each year.  These are a representative sampling:

Member, International Advisory Board, Herzliya Conference, Institute for Policy and Strategy, Tel Aviv, Israel
Herzliya Agenda 2010
Herzliya Agenda 2011

The Politics and Economics of Medical Tourism in the International Financial Centres, presentation to conference hosted by Offshore Investment magazine, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Suing Offshore Governments on Behalf of Offshore Fraud Victims: Lessons from Stanford and Madoff, presentation to conference hosted by Offshore Investment magazine, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Terror-Related Asset Recovery: The Emergence of Private Civil Litigation as a Response to International Terrorism, presentation to conference hosted by Offshore Alert magazine, Miami, Florida

The Emergence of Private Civil Litigation as a Response to International Terrorism: Implications for the International Financial Centres, presentation to conference hosted by Offshore Investment magazine, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Tax Haven Abuses: The Enablers, the Tools and Secrecy, presentation to conference hosted by the Puerto Rico Commissioners of International Insurance and International Finance, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Introduction to Private Equity and Offshore, presentation to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs special agents with offshore investigations responsibilities, Manchester, England 

The U.S. Judicial Approach to Foreign Bank Secrecy Rules, presentation to conference hosted by Offshore Investment magazine, Jesus College, Oxford University

Lawyers as Gatekeepers in International Finance, presentation given as co-panelist with the Director of the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, U.S. Department of the Treasury, to conference hosted by the South Carolina Bar Association, Charleston, South Carolina

Inbound U.S. Investments: Understanding the Problems, Creating the Solutions, presentation to annual World Offshore Convention hosted by Offshore Investment magazine, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Fiduciaries in the Crosshairs: Implications of Civil Litigation Against Terrorism for Fiduciary Service Providers, presentation to conference hosted by Trusts and Trustees journal, London, England


The Justice for Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Act: A Boost for Civil Litigation Against Terrorism, Crime and Fraud Issue of the Offshore Investment magazine, June, 2008

A Call to the Gatekeepers, Crime and Fraud Issue of the Offshore Investment magazine, February, 2009

The U.S. Judicial Approach to Foreign State Bank Secrecy Rules in Civil Anti-Terror Litigation, Crime and Fraud Issue of the Offshore Investment magazine, June, 2009

The King Can Do Wrong....In Certain Circumstances: Some Observations on the Sovereign Immunity of Antigua in the Stanford Financial Group Scandal, June, 2010


Guest Lecturer, Civil Litigation Against Terrorism, University of Tulsa Law School, London Law Program, London, England

Adjunct Professor of Law, International Taxation and International Business Transactions, University of South Carolina School of Law, Columbia, South Carolina

Lecturer, International Litigation, Centre for International Dispute Resolution, University of South Carolina School of Law, London Law Program, London, England

Lecturer, Pre-Law Curriculum, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, United Kingdom Programs

Lecturer, Pre-Law Curriculum, University of Maryland, United Kingdom Programs

Lecturer, Pre-Law Curriculum, Central Texas College, United Kingdom Programs